pRSSreader 1.4.0.x ================== [x] Virtual folders (unread, flagged) [x] Resume download of enclosures [ ] GBK encoding [x] Send URLs by email [x] Update at defined time [ ] GPRS specfic options (like do not download large enclosures, etc.) [ ] Pernament storing of SSL certificates [ ] Reading articles in fullscreen mode [x] Sticky messages Flagged messages are already sticky [ ] Manageable download queue/Update monitor [x] Delete feed items [x] Reading META tags from HTML pages (when adding a feed) [ ] Filter messages in feed by categories included in the feed [ ] Scroll news by thumb [x] View images included in feed in external viewer [ ] Cache will store items within defined number of days (example: you want to keep news for last 5 days) [x] Report the error when adding a feed failed [x] Social bookmarking of link in feed item [ ] Synchronization with Google Reader [ ] One hand use [x] Append title when bookmarking link in the feed item Today plugin [ ] tree mode [ ] show update status Missing from 1.3.x ------------------ [ ] Generate playlists [x] Cache manager [ ] Caching images included in HTML pages [x] Periodic update [x] Keywords [ ] HW keys [ ] Restore session [x] Rewrite rules [x] Update All